What She Said! Quotes By Sistahs That We Admire

What She Said

Sistahs have a lot to say, and we LOVE it! For far too long Black women have been relegated to holding in their emotions, silencing their thoughts, and conforming for the comfort of others. No longer! We are taking our rightful place in this world, and giving our perspective, sharing our insights, and challenging the status quo. Are we angry Black women? Maybe, sometimes...but beyond just being “angry”, we are human, and we deserve to be heard. 

That being said, there are some sistah soldiers who are out there making history, being conduits for change, and breaking glass ceilings all over the world. We are leaving no industry untouched. Truth be told, Black women are forging deeper, collective relationships with each other and coming for what’s ours unapologetically...with oneness of purpose. 

We are being heard, and some of our loudest and bravest sistahs are women that we admire. From the entertainment industry to outer space, Black women are making their impact on this world, and using their platforms to advance the culture and women’s rights. So, today, we pay homage to some notable sistahs who walk the walk and talk the talk. Here’s what they had to say…  

About Confidence

I am content that the work that I've done is wonderful. 
-Angela Bassett, Actress, Director, Producer, and Activist

Let's be very clear: Strong men - men who are truly role models - don't need to put down women to make themselves feel powerful. People who are truly strong lift others up. People who are truly powerful bring others together. 

-Michelle Obama, Lawyer, Writer, and the wife of the 44th President, Barack Obama. She is the first African-American First Lady.

My being a black woman is not a deficit. It is a strength. Because I could not be where I am had I not overcome so many other barriers. Which means you know I'm relentless, you know I'm persistent, and you know I'm smart. 

-Stacey Abrams, American Politician, Lawyer, Voting Rights Activist, and Author who served in the Georgia House of Representatives

The thing that I have done throughout my life is to do the best job that I can and to be me.

-- Mae Jemison, American Engineer, Physician, and former NASA Astronaut. She became the first Black woman to travel into space.

If your dream is only about you, it's too small. 
-Ava DuVernay, Writer, Producer, Director, Activist, and Distributor of Independent Film

I've been blissfully comfortable in my own skin. I think what's happened is probably just so many years of not feeling comfortable, that maybe I just got tired. Maybe all of the experiences I've had have just marinated into this beautiful pot of me.

-Viola Davis, American Actress, Producer. Having won an Academy Award, a Primetime Emmy Award, and two Tony Awards, she is the first African-American, and currently the youngest actor, to achieve the "Triple Crown of Acting".

About Personal Growth

Go places, learn new stuff. Look at the world with wonder - don't be tired about it. 
-Angela Bassett

We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own 'to do' list. 
-Michelle Obama

Do not allow setbacks to set you back. 
-Stacey Abrams

What we find is that if you have a goal that is very, very far out, and you approach it in little steps, you start to get there faster. Your mind opens up to the possibilities.
-Mae Jemison

I made my first film when I was 35, so I firmly believe that you don't have to be one thing in life. If you're doing something, and you have a desire to do something different, give it a try. 
-Ava DuVernay

Your ability to adapt to failure, and navigate your way out of it, absolutely 100 percent makes you who you are. 
-Viola Davis

About Our Voices

If you have a big voice, so be it. But if you do things quietly, so be it. It can be done.
-Angela Bassett

If there's one thing I've learned in life, it's the power of using your voice.
-Michelle Obama

We must use words to uplift and include. We can use our words to fight back against oppression and hate. But we must also channel our words into action. 
-Stacey Abrams

You have the right to be involved. You have something important to contribute, and you have to take the risk to contribute it.
-Mae Jemison

Stop asking. Start doing.
-Ava Duvernay

The more I'm pushed in a position of leadership and I know I have to be the mouthpiece for so many other people who can't speak for themselves, the more confidence I'm gaining. 
-Viola Davis

About Self-Care

Drink a bunch of water and get facials regularly. I take care of my skin. 
-Angela Bassett

If you don’t get out there and define yourself, you’ll be quickly and inaccurately defined by others.
-Michelle Obama

Choices are based on personal needs—end of story.
-Stacey Abrams

Laugh at yourself- it's not that deep. And if you fall, then make a big splash!
-Mae Jemison

When is our interior life ever put at the forefront? We constantly want to give to other people. The word no is important. It’s self-abuse. Too much of not caring for yourself is not a good thing. We’re bad at that as achievers. Self-care is a priority and we have to do it more.
-Ava Duvernay

There are no prerequisites to worthiness. You're born worthy, and I think that's a message a lot of women need to hear. 
-Viola Davis

Saeeda Ruffin

A seasoned word stylist, Saeeda Ruffin has been delivering creative and authentic content that engages, uplifts, and fosters a connection with her audience for over 25 years. Saeeda is a Philly native, transplanted into the Southland, whose writing is reflective of her eclectic life journey. Author of two children's books, "Dom's Thanksgiving Catch" and "Wilkie Weeks: The Day The Dog Acted Up", magazine publisher, missionary, and mother of a small tribe of 12 amazing children, Saeeda specializes in writing from a place of realness, empathy, and love.


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